This was a cute moon phases booklet that a teacher shared with me. She made it at a training and we were looking for the easiest way it could be done with her 80 fourth grade students (once we work it out I will post!).
I saw this activity at a science conference years ago and haven't had a chance to use it in a classroom until this week (mainly because I didn't teach weathering, erosion, and deposition). It is a great way to reinforce the definition of the weathering, erosion, and deposition in a highly kinesthetic manner. Basically you break the students up into groups of three. One group is "Weathering" another group is "Erosion" and the third group is "Deposition". Add tape to the back because you are going to stick them to the forehead of the children in each group. The "weathering" students get a sheet of paper that is their "rock" they will be breaking down. At the start of the activity the "weathering" students will start ripping tiny pieces of their "rock" and handing it to the "erosion" students. The "erosion" students will be running their tiny piece of "rock...
I think what I am going to do, is trace my book onto tag board for a pattern. I am going to make a pattern for each table (so about 5 patterns for 20 students). I am then going to have each student trace each page onto a big piece of black paper (if the patterns don't fit, the students will have more paper. After everyone is done tracing and cutting, we will put them together as a whole class. Then the students can glue the words in separately. This is the only way that I have come up with mass producing it.