When I was in the classroom about the first of the year we would all get an email from the principal letting us know that we were making too many copies and using up too much paper. This message appears universal as most of my teacher friends from other schools would get the same email from their administrators. Some schools, at that point, would put a limitation on the amount of copies you can make per month on the fancy programmable copier machines....and then you would have to ask other teachers on your team with lower copier counts to make copies for you until the first of the month kicked in (I always felt it was really unfair that your unused copies don't roll over to the next month!). Now that each student has a device in our district there has been a greater push for teachers to go paperless (as much as possible) but a lot of teachers don't know where to start. I met with one of those teachers a few weeks ago and recommended she put together ...