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Showing posts from November, 2019

Podcasting Experience (so far)

So my co-worker, Estee Williams (Twitter - @esteeeducates), and I are now into episode four of our podcasting experience this school year. We have been enjoying it but are in awe of regular podcasters who manage to put out an episode a week. We struggle just to get one a month put out! This is mainly due to our work schedules. We recognize that folks like Matt Miller, Kasey Bell, and Monica Burns all are self-employed in the EdTech world so their time is a little more flexible and podcasting is one of the ways they communicate to keep their brand current (but we now have a much better idea of how much time they put into it each week). When we started this project we decided we needed to make sure that we set aside a non-negotiable Friday a month to record the show. As it is, we are still pulled in many different directions and we wind up doing a lot of the editing and updating of show notes on our own time.  We set the theme for the following month after recording and put toget