I was in a training class today where we were talking about how to teach students to give feedback. The instructor showed this video which features the evolution of a butterfly drawing a student completed after receiving peer feedback at various stages. The difference from start to finish was impressive! I loved the video and thought it would be something I would share with students (when teaching them the importance of feedback).
The instructor then had us go around the room and provide feedback on group projects. She had us use sticky notes BUT we had to write on the sticky side so that when we left the note it was face down as opposed to face up...so that way people walking around couldn't copy each other's responses and the feedback was private. That was pretty awesome (yet another idea I would copy).
The feedback we left was "Praise, Question, Polish" - something you liked, a question you had, and a suggestion for improvement or something to think about. I made the suggestion to change it to "Praise, Pause, and Polish" - I like alliteration. The pause would mean "pause and share a question you had".