In one of my last posts I said that I was going to try and recycle paper when putting together the notebook pages I give to my students. I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner! I have teachers recycle paper all the time in the copier room so we can use them for rough drafts or math scratch paper but it never occurred to me to use them to run off my copies (the other side is firmly glued to the book so students will never see the other side).
Here is my first attempt in pictures. The top picture shows the master copy and the scratch paper I was going to use (I think this teacher ran off too many of one sheet). NOTE - In another attempt to save paper I try my hardest to keep all my information on one side of the paper and then I copy the same text to the other side so I get two for one (instead of running off 44 sheets I now only have to run off 22 sheets). This means that I sometimes make my text pretty small. In the sheet above I used 8 font. I try not to go lower then 10 font but I've done 8 with no students complaining, so I feel fine using it from time to time. This may not work with younger students.
The second picture shows my copies and an example of what their backs look like. The last picture shows it glued to the book. You can see that the darker black on the other side shows through some but I explained to students what I was doing and they were all for it. I don't think they would have noticed if I hadn't have said anything but I am trying to keep a running list of ways we can/are helping the environment and I wanted to add this to our list.
Marla Teal
5th Grade
Clay County
I get my text from a variety of sources. Those include textbook, internet, and those practice test workbooks that come with the book series or from companies that specialize in test prep for state examinations. I just ordered the science test prep book for fourth grade from contemporary publishers at I noticed that they also carry books for Florida's FCAT test. Not sure if that is helpful or not but thought I would mention it. I found the first year the most time consuming getting all the information together but I am hoping just to tweak what I have this year.