I have been experimenting with glue verses tape. The first picture I taped the map down (taping edge to edge....if you use tape do not go past the edge or it no longer flips up as smoothly) the other two pictures I glued the top portion down (that is probably the best way to go. I was just experimenting with the tape).
Picture #1 - I downloaded a map of all the countries that use the metric system verse the standard system. Underneath students created a simple "cheat sheet" to help them remember that a millimeter is approximately the size of your pencil tip, centimeter as wide as your finger, etc.
Picture #2 - Students were compairing and contrasting rainforest plants and desert plants. Their written work is underneath the flaps.
Picture #3 - I wanted the students to really be able to tell me the difference between autotroph and heterotroph so I isolated those two words from the reading above it and had students create flaps that defined it underneath and then they had to draw a picture to help them remember.
My elementary students love the "flip flaps" (that is what they call them).
No I don't purchase the information. I basically look at the state standards and cross reference against our textbook. If the information is inadequate then I look for secondary sources on the internet or within our school's test prep documents.